Every morning when i wakes up and open the door, one of the 'thundercats' will greet me with 'miau miau'. I'm not sure whether she is greeting me or what, or probably she is cursing me, "Feed Me, you $%^$%&". Well, who knows but i'm glad that she's thinking of me.
There's one time, in the morning, after I'd brushed my teeth and done my stuff, i opened the closet and took out my work clothes. After I got changed and heading down to the living room, I saw something familiar on the floor. It was my underwear~!, at the middle of the living room and my mum asked me why i left the underwear on the floor.
Me : "Thanks to your 'thundercats', if not the underwear won't be there."
Mum : "Who knows, probably you drop it when you're trying to bring it to the washing machine. I don't think so the cat would want your stinking underwear!"
Me : "What the........It's not dirty, ma, It's inside the closet just now."
So now, whenever they come in to my room, I'll keep an eye on them and make sure they didn't leave my room with things in their mouth. So far, they'll bite my loafers if i put it too near to the water bottle (coz it's obstructing them), took my handphone (coz of the strap), bite my toe and bitten my tits before when I'm taking a nap on the sofa without clothes on (that time they were still very young, and who do they think i am, mama? -.-" ).
Your cat is friends with your dog?
Lolz.... Your thundercats are soooo Farnie!!
Your descriptions on the acts of your thundercats.. really . make me laugh la.. haha..
Hmm~~~~~ LOL!!!
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